Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Homeschooling Versus Public Schooling Essays

Homeschooling Versus Public Schooling Essays Homeschooling Versus Public Schooling Essay Homeschooling Versus Public Schooling Essay Essay Topic: Fun Home 3 March 2010 Public Schooling and Home Schooling There are many differences and similarities between home schooling and public schooling. There are flaws to both sides and many positive things also. Home schooling has come a long way, from being illegal to becoming more and more popular. Numbers have gone down in public schools. There is not one answer to why public schools are becoming less popular. In reality, neither is bad. There are many advantages and disadvantages of both home schooling and public schooling. Home schooling was illegal a couple decades ago. Parents would be arrested or faced jail time for trying to home school their child for any reason. Many early reasons for home schooling would be that the parents didn’t believe that the public schools were doing a good enough job teaching their children and also they would home school their child because of religious beliefs. Schools have been around for many, many years. Home schooling on the other hand hasn’t been around for nearly as long. Public schooling started in the early 1800’s. Home schooling became legalized around 1993. Home schooling varied between states. Some states made laws like parents being certified teachers, state required curriculum and conduct home visits periodically. Today, home schooling is still illegal in Germany, Greece, Hong Kong and Brazil. It is generally illegal in the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden (Ans10) Home schooling has been around for centuries. It was wide spread until 1870’s in North America. The development of professional educators and school attendance laws came together to create education which came to be recognized in the early 2000’s as schooling. Many presidents and historical figures, such as Booker T. Washington, George Washington, Mark Twain, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, were home schooled (Ans10). There are many advantages from home schooling. First off, it is free of peer pressure. At public schools, you are around other students who are trying to get you to do things you don’t really want to do, but they make it seem like it’s not a big deal. Public schooled students show less self confidence. Some students are too afraid to answer questions in schools because of the reply the teacher might give them. Home schooled students do not encounter bullies like public schooled students do, resulting in more confidence. Students in public schools also have to work within a time frame. They only have a certain amounted time to get their work done. Home schooled students make their own schedules, taking time for what they need to do. Home schooled students also get one-on-one attention; therefore, can get the attention they need to learn, how they need to learn. If a public schooled student doesn’t understand what they are learning, most of them can’t get the help they need to understand it. Home schooled students tend to do better on standardized testing (see fig. 1). If a parent is teaching the student at home, the parent gets more time together with his or her child(ren). In most cases one or both parents stay at home during the day. In recent times, a house is like a hotel, families never doing activities together. Home schooled students don’t have busy work, or something you can be doing until they start the next lesson. Home schooled students can learn at their own pace, and can change subjects whenever they are ready, whereas public schooled students might have to wait for other students. Home schooled students are able to spend more time outside learning, hands-on with nature. Public schools have lost their funding for field trips, leaving students to learn from a book. Home schooled students can go on a variety of field trips. Many businesses will give tours and information about their business to home schooled students. There are a lot of cheap or even free field trips for home schooled students. Most home school students have good role models. They are around their parents, and public schooled students are around everyone, good and bad role models. Students have to choose which role models to try to model, and some students choose the wrong role model (Advantages). There are also some disadvantages for home schooling. Many students don’t have the amount of social interaction that public schooled students do. Home schooled students are either sitting front of a computer working on school work, or sitting with their parents while doing school work. They don’t know as many people because they don’t interact with other students all day like public schooled students do. There are clubs, activities and athletics for home schooled students to participate in, but not all do. Another disadvantage of home schooling is on the parents. It is generally harder for parents to home school than to send them to a public school. There is a heavier weight on the parents’ shoulders if they are teaching their children. They have to know how to teach their students and get them involved with other groups of people. Parents have guilt, fear and anxiety. Many people will criticize them for taking their children out of the public schools. It is hard for the first couple months to get used to home schooling their children (Advantages). There are many reasons for children to be home schooled. One of the biggest reasons for home schooling is for religious reasons. Students who are home schooled can still go through school while they have the freedom to be as religious as they believe they should. They do not need to sit in class and be taught by a teacher who doesn’t understand their religious beliefs. There are also many other reasons for becoming home schooled. Some students can’t wake up in the mornings for school. When they wake up, if they stay awake long enough to get to school, it is possible that they fall asleep during class and do not learn what they are being taught. Being home schooled means being able to do their school work whenever it works for them. Some students are home schooled because they have had problems with their school. Students have had problems with teachers and other staff that make it hard for them to go to school every day and have to deal with their troubles. Home schooling seems like a better option for them. It is easier with home schooling to start college at a branch someplace because you don’t have to worry about getting to your high school class(es) and fitting everything into your schedule. Students can take your college classes then work on your home schooling work whenever you have time, you are on your own schedule. Generally, students have more time to do much more stuff. Students have time for working, college classes and more free time (Advantages). There are probably many reasons why the number of home schooled students is on the rise. One reason is because it is so much simpler to be home schooled. Today, students can enroll in online classes. There are a number of organizations online that will help a student graduate high school. You have a guidance counselor that you talk to so you can schedule your classes. You do your work online, and then e-mail them to your teachers. You have to do school work every day, or you will be considered absent and will become truant if you miss too many days, just like as in a public school. For example, ECOT, Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow, is based in Columbus, Ohio. ECOT started for the year 2000-2001. It is Ohio’s first and most popular tuition free online public school. Over four thousand students have graduated so far, and over nine thousand students are enrolled this year from Kindergarten hrough 12th grade. You work one-on-one with certified teachers. ECOT has the highest grades on state report cards compared to other online schools (ECOT). Another reason is that public schools can be a dangerous place. There is so much in the news about the bad things happening at public schools. Home schooling children can get them away from the violence from public schools. Parents want to be involved with their child’s education. There are many problems in the school districts and parents feel better being involved in what their child is learning. Students are usually very distracted in class. Their friends are in the same room was them, and they want to talk and gossip with them, and not pay attention to their school work. Some parents choose to home school their child so they don’t have the distractions (Why10). Many public schools have lost a lot of their funding. They are no longer able to support field trips for the students. Many schools don’t have the money to support athletics. They will charge the participants money to play a sport. Some places it’s as little as $25 and can be called a transportation fee or something like that, just for the buses and bus drivers. In other places, it can be up to $500. There are athletes who obviously can’t afford that. Funding is a big problem for public schools. Some areas have even had to close schools and cut teachers to make ends meet. Many gifted children are home schooled. Many public schools do not reach out to these students to keep them interested. Parents take time to home school their child so they can have the ability to choose what to teach their child. Gifted children don’t usually have the advantage of learning at their level in a public school. With parents teaching them at home they can learn at their own rate, at their ability level. Gifted students like to be able to learn without time restraints. Being home schooled lets the students spend as much or as little time on something as they need to spend. It is also possible for students to be home schooled for a short period of time, for example a year or two, and then re-enter a public school and skip a grade when they return to the public schools. You can accomplish much more while you are home schooled versus if you were in a public school setting and not being challenged (Butler). A big question about home schooling is if home schooled students can get into college. For most students, this is not a problem. Many colleges accept applications from home schooled students, and many accept them. Even colleges such as Harvard, accept home schooled students. The Wall Street Journal confirms that many colleges are adjusting their admissions policies to homeschoolers: Many colleges now routinely accept homeschooled students, who typically present â€Å"portfolios† of their work instead of transcripts. Each year Harvard University takes up to 10 applicants who have had some homeschooling. In general, those kids do just fine,† says David Illingsworth, senior admissions officer. He adds that the number of applications and inquiries from homeschoolers is â€Å"definitely increasing. †(Klicka) Home schooled students usually do quite well in college. Home schooled students are very distinctive because of the personalized instruction they have received. Se veral colleges have even tried to recruit home schooled students. They go to book fairs and home schooling conferences to talk to the parents and students (Klicka). There are positives and negatives for both home schooling and public schooling. Neither is a bad choice in general. Certain things are good for some people and bad for others. Many people think home schooling is bad, but they simply don’t know the details of it or is an opinion, and home schooled parents think public schools are bad, which is another opinion. There are always going to be disputes over which is better, but both have good and bad points, and we will never agree that one is better than the other. ? The Advantages of Homeschooling Discussed in Detail. Homeschooling-paradise. com, 2008. Web. 2 Feb 2010. Butler, Shery. â€Å"The â€Å"H† Word: Home Schooling. † Gifted Child Today 23. 5 (2000): 44-50. ERIC. Web. 2 Feb 2010 Home school. Answers. com, 2010. Web. 2Feb 2010. Klicka, Christopher J. Homeschooled Students Excel in College. Home School Legal Defense Association, 20 September 2006. Web. 2 Feb 2010. What is ECOT?. ECOT. Web. 2 Feb 2010. Why is Home Schooling So Popular?. The Labor of Love. Wed. 2 Feb 2010.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

8 errores que como turista debes evitar en USA

8 errores que como turista debes evitar en USA Millones de extranjeros viajan a Estados Unidos cada aà ±o como turistas. Para evitar problemas migratorios muy serios estos son 8 errores que se deben evitar. 8 errores migratorios que no debes hacer como turista Primero   Mentir en un formulario de inmigracià ³n o a un oficial consular (cà ³nsules). Se puede viajar a Estados Unidos como turista con una visa B2 (tambià ©n conocida como de placer o paseo).   Tambià ©n se puede ingresar con la lser o tarjeta de cruce si se vive a lo largo de la frontera mexicano-estadounidense e, incluso, sin visado si se tiene pasaporte de uno de los paà ­ses incluidos en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas. En este à ºltimo caso, si se llega a Estados Unidos por avià ³n, se necesita llenar un formulario por internet que se conoce como ESTA. Sea cual fuera la forma de ingreso como turista es muy importante no mentir en ningà ºn formulario ni en la entrevista consular ya que las consecuencias, si lo agarran a uno, son muy graves.   Segundo Creer que tener visa vigente o ESTA garantiza el ingreso a Estados Unidos. El oficial migratorio en puertos, aeropuertos y puestos fronterizos terrestres tiene la à ºltima palabra y puede decidir que un extranjero no entra. La informacià ³n que tienen las computadoras de aduanas es muy completa y por eso son ellos los que deciden. Si se produce una expulsià ³n inmediata, hay que conocer las consecuencias. Tercero Tratar de ingresar artà ­culos prohibidos. Especial mencià ³n merecen los alimentos y las medicinas. No traer remedios que no existen en Estados Unidos ni tampoco cantidades grandes de los que existen o medicacià ³n sin receta mà ©dica. Por ejemplo, no se puede traer antibià ³ticos ms all que la cantidad necesaria para la enfermedad que se tiene en ese momento. Estas conductas pueden traer consecuencias muy graves, desde que en el aduana quiten el producto a multa, expulsià ³n inmediata y cancelacià ³n de la visa.   Cuarto   Viajar sin seguro mà ©dico. La medicina en Estados Unidos es, posiblemente, la mejor del mundo. Y tambià ©n la ms cara. Para evitar sustos comprar seguro mà ©dico antes de viajar. Si se necesita ir a un mà ©dico y no se tiene seguro o no lo cubre todo, intentar una clà ­nica comunitaria, por cuestià ³n de precio, o consultar costos para el mismo procedimiento en diversos hospitales. Puede haber una diferencia de miles de dà ³lares en operaciones sencillas. Conservar siempre la factura y si se tiene un bebà © con visa de turista, tener muy presentes las posibles consecuencias negativas. Quinto   No pagar las multas de trfico (trnsito). Esta es una manera tonta de buscarse problemas ya que la informacià ³n en las computadoras de los oficiales migratorios es cada vez ms completa. Sexto Quedarse ms tiempo del permitido. Jams es una buena idea ya que puede dar lugar a la cancelacià ³n automtica de la visa (y si se ingresà ³ sin visa, a perder ese derecho para el futuro). Adems, si la estancia se alarga ms de seis meses despuà ©s del plazo autorizado entra en aplicacià ³n el castigo de los tres y de los diez aà ±os una vez que se sale de Estados Unidos. Es cierto que en muchos casos se puede solicitar  un perdà ³n migratorio cuando no se puede ingresar  a Estados Unidos. Pero es difà ­cil obtenerlo. Sà ©ptimo Utilizar la visa de turista con otro fin, como por ejemplo estudiar a tiempo completo o trabajar. Incluso acciones como casarse deben realizarse con cuidado, ya que pueden tener consecuencias negativas. Octavo Ingresar con demasiada frecuencia. Se puede viajar a Estados Unidos como turista tantas veces como se quiera. Pero las entradas y salidas continuadas pueden resultar sospechosas y, en ese caso, el oficial de inmigracià ³n puede impedir el ingreso. A tener en cuenta Para obtener una visa de turista, renovarla y asegurarse el ingreso a Estados Unidos en el control de paso migratorio es necesario ser, en todo momento, elegible para la visa y admisible al paà ­s. Si no es asà ­, la visa puede negarse, cancelarse o no renovarse. Tambià ©n es posible que el oficial de inmigracià ³n en la aduana impida el paso y ordene el regreso inmediato al paà ­s de origen. Estas son causas que convierten a una persona en inelegible para la visa y estas lo convierten en inadmisible para ingresar a USA. Aprende jugando Se recomienda tomar este quiz o test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre viajar como turista a Estados Unidos ya que puede servir para evitar errores tontos en el futuro y que pueden costar muy caro. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Finance for manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Finance for manager - Essay Example In the initial three (3) year period the market will be restricted to only a few suppliers but this will change thereafter as the market will be opened to other suppliers. This means that care should be taken to ensure that the company does not invest in too large a capacity which may not be necessary later. There are two options available to Steelbeam. The company can either choose option 1 – which involves investing in capital with a limited capacity to produce a maximum of 1,000 units (small capacity) or option 2 with the capacity to produce a maximum of 4,000 units (large capacity). These alternatives have different variable cost per unit with the large capacity project having the lowest variable cost per unit and the small capacity project the highest variable cost. In assessing the two options the company has to pay attention to the contribution that both projects make to fixed cost as well as the break even point in units. Additionally, every capital budgeting decision requires the use of capital budgeting techniques in order to make a determination of which option is more advantageous to the company. The techniques available to your company include: ENPV is calculated using the figures obtained from the pessimistic, most likely and optimistic market forecast while applying the formula used in project evaluation and review technique (PERT). This technique assumes that the estimates of sales and demand activity follow a probability distribution (See Heizer and Render 2006). The expected sales and demand are found through the application of weights to the three estimates in each case – of demand and sales, as follows: The information arrived at from the computations suggests that the expected annual demand is 6,333 units and the expected selling price per unit - Â £12,167. These figures can be used to determine which option is better for Steelbeam PLC. Each option will be assessed to determine its

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Strategic Mapping Of A Dubai Based Hospitality Organization - Jebel Essay

Strategic Mapping Of A Dubai Based Hospitality Organization - Jebel Ali International - Essay Example Jebel International Hotel strategies will be analysed using tools for business analysis such as SWOT, five forces model and value chain management. The Dubai Based Hospitality Organisation Jebel Ali Gold Resort & Spa is located in Jebel Ali, 2.5 Km away. It a forty minutes drive from Dubai International Airport and city centre. The hotel is situated in 128 acres piece of land with stunning natural feature. The hotel is housed in a five storey building commonly known as the legend of Dubai. The entrance to the hotel is signified by its famous blue marble that is faceable from a distance meaning one is entering a world class hotel. Within the building are a number of shops and boutiques where the hotel guests do their shopping. Many people prefer to take their family at this hotel or even for business stay. 1 Jebel International hotel is part of Dutco Group of Companies that was established by Yousuf Baker in 1947. The late Sheikh Rashid Bin Saeed Al Maktoum re-constituted the company the same year and it became Limited Liability Company. 2 The management of the hotel ensure that they spot the emerging trend in what their customers look for in a hotel. They ensure they identify a new opportunity for exploitation in order for them to have a large market share in terms of hotel clients. The demographic analysis shows that Jebel Ali Gold Resort & Spa is located in a conducive environment for the purpose of attracting more customers and retaining the current one. This was done after doing a feasibility study in their market and hotel industry at large and offers what their competitors are not offering. This ensures that the hotel made better decisions in terms of marketing and facilities for their hotel. (Jebel Ali International Hotels, 2006) By forecasting on their customers' tastes and preferences, the management of Jebel International Hotel are able to satisfy them by ensuring they offer world class services in their hotel. This competitive advantage ensures that the hotel attracts and retains customers and by the time their competitors adopt their new technology, they have already made enough sales. Jebel International Hotel has strengths for being one of the leading companies in the hospitality industry in the Middle East. This is so because it has created a brand name in the industry thereby it has a strength against it competitors. Strengths also can be seen in the capacity of the Hotel. The hotel is built in a five storey building hence it has a large capacity in terms of accommodating visitors. Since the hotel has a large visitor's capacity, it is able to accommodate more visitors against its competitors. Rarely can one get at their hotels and miss a room to stay. Visitors to the hotel are usually welcomed and escorted to their beautiful rooms. This excellent customer service ensures that customers always come back after being treated well by the employees of the hotel. This kind of strength enables the hotel to always prevail in the market in terms of the number of visitor's visiting the hotel. This increase the sales of the company hence they remunerate their employees fairly. 3 The infrastructure on the other hand are excellent hence are strengths to the Hotel thereby ensure that the hotel

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Pest Analysis Essay Example for Free

Pest Analysis Essay Political, Economic, Social, and Technological analysis and describes a framework of macroenvironmental factors used in the environmental scanning component of strategic management. It is a part of the external analysis when conducting a strategic analysis or doing market research and gives a certain overview of the different macroenvironmental factors that the company has to take into consideration. It is a useful strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations. The growing importance of environmental or ecological factors in the first decade of the 21st century have given rise to green business and encouraged widespread use of an updated version of the PEST framework.   analysis systematically considers Socio-cultural, Technological, Economic, Ecological, and Regulatory factors. Contents * 1 History * 2 Overvier. New York: Macmillan.. , who discusses ‘ETPS’ a mnemonic for the four sectors of what he calls his taxonomy of the business environment: Economic, Technical, Political, and Social. Sometime after this initial publication, Arnold Brown for the Institute of Life Insurance reorganized it as   as a way to organise the results of his environmental scanning. Over time by academics and others in business it was modified yet again to become a so-called analysis (the Social, Technical, Economic, Political, and Ecological taxonomies).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Rebirth of Ignatius in The Confederacy of Dunces Essay examples --

The Rebirth of Ignatius in The Confederacy of Dunces      Ã‚  Ã‚   "You learnt everything, Ignatius, except how to be a human being" (375).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chained to a dominant character who is so vast and yet so embryonic that he is not only protagonist but also, in many ways, his own antagonist, The Confederacy of Dunces, by John Kennedy Toole, has been called "a broad satirical view of the modern world" (Holditch "Introduction" The Neon Bible xi). Since this short definition fails to explain that the view presented is primarily that of the slug-like character of Ignatius Jacques Reilly, it also fails to take into account that one's view from the womb is, of necessity, somewhat limited. Although Ignatius is thirty years old and has a Master's Degree, he is so emotionally unprepared for life that he hides in the safety and sanctuary of his womb-like bedroom, anxiously peers out at the world around him, and condemns all that he sees. As observed from this view, the world does, indeed, appear to be a fearful place.    Having lost faith in modern religion at a young age, Ignatius claims to embrace a medieval worldview in which fate rather than free will is mandated. Like Oedipus, Ignatius attempts to evade his destiny, but rather than trying to run from it, and thus, running right into it as did Oedipus, Ignatius attempts to hide from his fate by refusing life, itself. Afraid of both life and death, Ignatius lives in a Limbo of his own devising. In his writings, Ignatius declares, "'I have always been forced to exist on the fringes of society, consigned to the Limbo reserved for those who do know reality when they see it'" (30). Of course, in rejecting his own possibilities to participate actively in determining the outcome of events in... ...res a jump-start--a massive jolt of terror-inspired impulses. Ignatius now reaches such a moment when his life is charged by this powerful psychological and physiological impetus.       In spite of the fear which propels him, there is finally hope for Ignatius. Waddling fearfully into the world, he can now learn to accept his common fate with the rest of humanity--his own humanness and inherent vulnerability in a world over which he has no control. In her frustration and resignation, Ignatius' little mother, an unusual Earth Mother at best, once sadly and plaintively tells her son, "You learnt everything, Ignatius, except how to be a human being" (375). Therein lies a lesson for us all.      Works Cited Holditch, W. Kenneth. The Neon Bible. Grove Press: New York, 1989. Toole, John Kennedy. A Confederacy of Dunces. Grove Weidenfeld: New York, 1980. The Rebirth of Ignatius in The Confederacy of Dunces Essay examples -- The Rebirth of Ignatius in The Confederacy of Dunces      Ã‚  Ã‚   "You learnt everything, Ignatius, except how to be a human being" (375).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chained to a dominant character who is so vast and yet so embryonic that he is not only protagonist but also, in many ways, his own antagonist, The Confederacy of Dunces, by John Kennedy Toole, has been called "a broad satirical view of the modern world" (Holditch "Introduction" The Neon Bible xi). Since this short definition fails to explain that the view presented is primarily that of the slug-like character of Ignatius Jacques Reilly, it also fails to take into account that one's view from the womb is, of necessity, somewhat limited. Although Ignatius is thirty years old and has a Master's Degree, he is so emotionally unprepared for life that he hides in the safety and sanctuary of his womb-like bedroom, anxiously peers out at the world around him, and condemns all that he sees. As observed from this view, the world does, indeed, appear to be a fearful place.    Having lost faith in modern religion at a young age, Ignatius claims to embrace a medieval worldview in which fate rather than free will is mandated. Like Oedipus, Ignatius attempts to evade his destiny, but rather than trying to run from it, and thus, running right into it as did Oedipus, Ignatius attempts to hide from his fate by refusing life, itself. Afraid of both life and death, Ignatius lives in a Limbo of his own devising. In his writings, Ignatius declares, "'I have always been forced to exist on the fringes of society, consigned to the Limbo reserved for those who do know reality when they see it'" (30). Of course, in rejecting his own possibilities to participate actively in determining the outcome of events in... ...res a jump-start--a massive jolt of terror-inspired impulses. Ignatius now reaches such a moment when his life is charged by this powerful psychological and physiological impetus.       In spite of the fear which propels him, there is finally hope for Ignatius. Waddling fearfully into the world, he can now learn to accept his common fate with the rest of humanity--his own humanness and inherent vulnerability in a world over which he has no control. In her frustration and resignation, Ignatius' little mother, an unusual Earth Mother at best, once sadly and plaintively tells her son, "You learnt everything, Ignatius, except how to be a human being" (375). Therein lies a lesson for us all.      Works Cited Holditch, W. Kenneth. The Neon Bible. Grove Press: New York, 1989. Toole, John Kennedy. A Confederacy of Dunces. Grove Weidenfeld: New York, 1980.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Alcoholism: A Major Problem in Russia

Alcoholism is one of the leading social causes of mortality in the world today. It has been and will always be ranked among the favorite indulgence of people globally. For ages, governments, health organizations and other social groups continue to find ways to limit if not to end the abuse of alcoholic drinking. Alcoholism has claimed millions of lives among different nationalities. Due to its wide spread acceptance as a social norm, people treat alcoholism as a part of daily routine. Although different measures are currently being implemented, many still deny the emergence of alcoholic beverages as detrimental to human health.The incidence of alcohol abuse is alarming. Global statistics show an increase of alcoholics among teenagers and young adults. With this kind of trend, social experts presume a mortality rate higher among the younger generation than the older population. While concern is everywhere, it is sad to note that responsibility has a hard time to flourish inside the ve ry foundation of an individual’s life. Parents and teachers can do more to drive away the deadly influence of alcohol from their children and families.With the way alcohol-related incidents are emerging nowadays, keeping this social problem in check takes a larger part of the globe to cooperate. Being rampant, alcoholism is a worldwide problem that is being faced by most countries throughout the corners of the earth. Governments are getting involved like never before in controlling the social inhibition which is gaining entry into people’s lives uninvited. With alcoholism besieging every corner of the society, the international community is taking a second look. Patronizing alcoholic drinks have deadly repercussions.The high death rate among nationalities of all ages is glaring evidence. Alcohol-related offenses and incidents will continue to haunt globally unless precautionary measures are set in place at once. THE RUSSIAN CRISIS Among the countries suffering the ill- effects of alcoholism is Russia. â€Å"Studies indicate that in Russia at least 30 percent of men and 15 percent of women are addicted to alcohol† (â€Å"Alcoholism in Russia†, 2002). Originally a leading nation in the former Soviet Union, Russia has snagged the prime position in alcohol consumption.The world-known vodka spearheads the popularity of Russians on the global stage. But vodka is only a tiny bit of statistic about the real waves which is alarming Russia today. The communist state is in deep hole. Unless its government starts thinking about countermeasures to address the internal complication, alcoholism will be in Russia to stay for a very long, long time. â€Å"The cases have dominated news reports and Cabinet meetings, fueling debate about a malaise that has helped lower Russia's average life expectancy rate to 66, 14 years shorter than the European Union average† (Nicholson, 2006).Analysts and observers have long been concerned about the Russianâ €™s delight for alcoholic beverages but it is only as of late did it able to catch media frenzy. The occurrence of deaths among young Russians has increased. For many, celebrations in the former Tsarist nation have gone out of proportion. The government is thinking about alternatives that will limit its citizens’ fondness for alcoholic beverages. However, instead of restricting Russians from feasting on alcoholic drinks, the situation turns even more complicated than has been initially perceived.It is unfortunate that everybody is watching an entire nation drink itself to death. Nations and societies around the world are concerned about criminal cases caused by alcoholism on such a small account. But it is interesting to note that Russia continue to survive despite being hounded by alcoholism on a massive scale of related incidents. Everyday, it is customary for a young citizen in this country to walk the streets with a bottle in hand. Drunks are a common sight in this on ce-Stalinist community. Men and women, it doesn’t really matter which citizen gets a taste of that famous vodka and beer.â€Å"One of the most striking changes in Russian cities in recent years is certainly the habit teenagers of both sexes have developed of roaming the streets with a bottle of beer as a fashion accessory† (Warren, 2001). Age is never a question among Russian drinkers. Individuals as young as thirteen years of age experience a new-found freedom with the death-causing bottle. ALCOHOLIC ACCOUNTS Many people believe that the famous American recovery program Alcoholics Anonymous should have arrived in Russia earlier to break the alcohol addiction.The government only allowed AA to be implemented in the mid-80s. Although it has been instrumental in controlling alcoholism in various Russian areas, the problem is still very much prevalent. But experts say that the real cause of country’s alcoholic inhibition is its history. Liquor especially the famous vodka is very much a Russian tradition. Since the Crusades, alcoholic drinks present a celebratory lifestyle in Russia. Numerous leaders since Lenin call for a total elimination of liquor. But countless times, alcoholic drinks continue to thrive until today.Even during the modern times in the 90s prior to the collapse of the Soviet Empire, the famous Mikhail Gorbachev want to ban the presence of alcohol from the mainstream of the society to no avail. It is an interesting fact that after the Soviet Union crumbles, Boris Yeltsin, who replaces Gorbachev, is a vodka fan himself. Russia continues to ride the wave with this new leader on the post. The country’s rise out from the ashes of communism allows a thorough look of its economic and social situation. In the past, the nation relies upon itself to resolve its internal woes.Without outside influence, Russia continues to deny the growing menace brought by alcoholism. But as it gradually opens up to the world, evident incidents a re being revealed. Due to its transition towards a capitalist state, Russia is now losing control on its newly-introduced freedom. There are various concerns that the motherland is now busy about. But with different priorities on the table, it is very likely that the nation can be able to address all concerns in one setting. By American standards, Russian alcohol consumption almost doubles what their former Cold War counterparts actually drink.â€Å"The average Russian male drinks about four gallons of pure alcohol per year, which amounts to about a pint of vodka every other day. To put it in perspective, this is nearly twice what Americans consume† (â€Å"Alcoholism in Russia†, 2002). In the early 21st century, Russia has been known to consume more alcohol than any other country in the world. It is hardly an honor since it reflects the numerous young Russians dying annually of alcohol-related diseases. Many workers in the nation are quick to defend themselves about th eir indulgence on alcohol. Social drinking is a particular explanation of choice for many.But this kind of reasoning costs millions of dollars in business losses due to counter productivity. Numerous workers don’t show up for work for a couple of days or even for a week. Concerns are never limited within the Russian nation. International groups show interest in lending support to contain alcoholism. However, it is never meant to be easy. Most of the country’s citizens have a hand on the bottle. It is hard for these people to part with the poison which they have been accustomed to have all their lives. As for the young Russians, everything is a learning experience.Every once in a while, drinks are up for grabs either for killing the time or for bonding with friends. There are numerous angles to tackle the alcoholism in Russia. The solutions may come handy but individuals are very much into the drinking habit. Analysts consider treating the disease among the older genera tion as out of bounds due to the degree of addiction. What most observers are concerned about is the increasing number of alcoholics among the young people. Everybody wants to end the cycle. But the Russians are still very much in the flow of things.And that makes the alcohol hard to prohibit. Most of the citizens want a drink. A drop of vodka can end up with the entire bottle. Even a leader like Yeltsin can be a motivating factor among the people to enjoy the perks of alcoholism. GOVERNMENT ACTION The election of Vladimir Putin to the Russian presidency can be the answer to the alcoholic woes plaguing the motherland. So far in his administration, the government has imposed a heavy tax on alcoholic beverages. Control over factories which produces alcoholic beverages is currently being sought by the president.The production of vodka and related alcoholic drinks has been limited. But the Russians continue to find sources of these drinks elsewhere. However, a new concern soon emerges. Being known throughout the world as a great lover of vodka, no one, not even the national government can prevent a Russian drinker to part with his favorite drink. Numerous citizens acquire impure or otherwise counterfeit alcoholic drinks from all the corners of the nation. With vodka unavailable or limited on the store shelves, individuals are looking for other means to supplement their craving for alcohol in their system.The only setback is that these alternative alcoholic beverages are considered second grade to the originally produced vodka and beer. The contents of these drinks can be detrimental to the health. â€Å"The profusion of poor-quality and counterfeit products on our alcohol market is a huge problem,† Putin said (Bigg, 2006). But Russian addiction to alcohol continues to prevail nonetheless. A derivative of the old vodka is being sold in the streets and this causes problems not merely to the citizens but to the government as well.President Putin’s gover nment imposes new tax regulations aimed at limiting the production of alcoholic beverages throughout the country. â€Å"The authorities hoped that the alcohol reform, by slapping a tax on industrial spirits, would curb bootleg vodka production and bring down the number of alcohol-poisoning deaths† (Bigg, 2006). This restrictive approach has so far working at least. It controls the factories distilling alcoholic drinks. Many suppliers and producers have been restricted in their capability to bring vodka on a massive scale. The factories know that Russians loved drinking.There is a lot of money to be made in the alcoholic beverage market. But with high taxes, the producers are paying more than what they should be in the past. Income has been hampered altogether and so they choose to limit their production instead. Prior to the implementation of new taxation ordinances, the government taps different economic and social organization to have a hand in the alcoholism problem in Rus sia. Anywhere in the former communist bloc, individuals clutch bottles under their hands. Persons below the legal age are having the time of their lives enjoying the vodka, the beer and the other imported hard liquor.Parents, teachers, relatives and guardians balk at the responsibility of checking the drinking habits of many people. There is hesitation in ending or controlling the consumption of alcohol primarily because drinking is hard to subdue. Enjoying a drink is a common occurrence even from the time of the Tsars and the Bolshevists. Attempts have been made to eradicate it but tradition has it that Russia finds joy in vodka. The availability of alcoholic beverages throughout the Russian nation is a prime cause of excessive drinking. Any way an individual looks, there is a reason to celebrate.Prices prior to the government’s restrictive law are affordable. It allows the citizens to acquire no matter how many bottles they can consume. Alcohol is spread out in Russia as a prelude to an impending fiesta celebration of some kind. The drinking habit is perhaps a culture that may never go out of style. Russians like to drink. Whether it is dangerous to their health, it doesn’t entirely matter. Various organizations and agencies participate in the government’s drive to check Russia’s dreaded disease. The total elimination of alcoholic brands never crosses the priority list of inspectors and enforcers.What is initially discussed is a method of controlling alcohol consumption among Russians. The whole country knows that it is drinking itself to death. Statistics show an increase of mortality rates caused by alcoholism. Even the world is watching. Everybody is concerned about the health risks in Russia. But the love for the bottle is just too much. Non-profit and non-government organizations launch an investigative program to trace Russia’s addiction to alcohol. Instead of focusing on the prohibitive measures, another option to ta ckle the problem is being pursued.The root motivation behind the drinking habits of many Russians is being sought to be acted upon. Historical accounts about the drinking habits of the former Bolshevists’ country are opened. Living conditions are observed. For things to be helpful to the Russians, cooperation means everything. RECENT HISTORY Russia is in the forefront of the now-defunct Soviet Union. Although the central government controls most of the country’s political and social machineries, the Union States experience progress all throughout. The Soviet empire is a proud federation.Not so long ago, its stature poses to be a threat to international security. With the communist party at the helm, laws and regulations are strictly imposed. Citizens are at the mercy of the State. Statistical figures about alcoholism rates are kept under wraps. The extent of alcohol addiction under communist rule is deceiving. Nobody knows how grave the danger is at that time. The gove rnment is hiding details since the Cold War era is still in effect. All along, the focus is on winning that war. Internal conflicts are ignored or ceased to be addressed.The greatest battle that Russia has undergone is its transition from a communist nation to a capitalist state. The country has been under the red flag for so long that life all over the empire will be disastrous if reforms are pushed. Citizens believe that there is no other way to live in the country but under equal terms, under communist control, that is. When the world prevails against the communists, walls start crumbling down. Berlin signals an end to the era of the mighty Soviet Republics. People everywhere in Eastern Europe call for democratic shift in government platforms.The demise of communism is only a matter of time. By the time changes are in place, another problem surfaces. Russia and its former communist bloc have trouble starting a capitalist nation. The break from the old tradition is harder than ini tially perceived. Although assistance from the United States and other countries come in swiftly, Russia has problems settling a restless population. Internal turmoil besieges the nation as calls for immediate reforms, freedom and a new way of life mounted. Under the communist machinery, Russians are so accustomed to being taken cared of on just everything that they need.Food, shelter and clothing are being supplied by the central government. The only thing missing at that time is freedom. Restrictions are a part of everyday life. When capitalism emerges, Russia felt somewhat confused with all the freedom available. Without total control, chaos soon erupts. Russia’s transition towards democracy takes time to fully sink in. Political analysts say that adjustment to a new system can be discouraging but definitely a necessity if the country intends to survive. The government drops a number of industries and allows these businesses to be privatized.With a free hand on situations and many other things, many Russians have trouble providing themselves and their families with their basic needs. Unlike before, people must find a job or something to build upon in order to earn money to survive. But the situation makes it hard for all individuals to get a work primarily because most industries are still starting out. Many companies and factories are managing their costs to stay competitive while trying to attain stability. The political and social upheaval in the post-Cold War Russia turns out to be a miserable experience for many citizens.Jobs are scarce. The government is trying hard to make both ends meet. The entire country is apparently on its own. In response to the anguish and harsh living conditions across Russia, alcohol is the immediate problem reliever. People get numbed after a stretch of drinking and this allows many citizens to simply sleep through with their problems at least for the night. ALCOHOL AS THE ANSWER Vodka is not only a celebratory instr ument to be toasted and treasured in Russian life. Alcoholic drinks are being used by numerous individuals as an escape from hardship.With nothing much to offer, the government has no solutions to offer on its people’s plight. Because of this, many Russians seek the comfort of the bottle. Alcohol is a refuge among poor Russians. Consumption is increased to drown the sorrows of the day. Perhaps even the government officials get to drink some vodka to calm their nerves after a nerve-wracking activity at the Politburo. Numerous alcoholic beverages gain immediate acceptance in the mainstream of the society. All over Russia is dealing with birth pains of a capitalist state. Adapting to democratic principles is never easy.The financial market is down. The nation is in ruins. What is once a mighty and proud empire sits atop a sandlot thinking warily about the future. With international assistance and support, Russia overcomes a multitude of depressing turmoil. As it manages to adapt to capitalism, growth and development soon result to progress all throughout the levels of the society. With the nation back on its feet, the country is ready to face new challenges. The demands of its citizens are slowly being addressed one way or the other. By the time Russia pedals with the rest of the world, alcoholism is simply ignored.For many Russians, the risk of drinking a little too many is a common cause for celebration. Deaths caused by alcohol are a common occurrence. It is a different story in Russia. Excessive drinking is a leading cause in mortality among its citizens. As the situation worsens, the government ignores the pleas of the people. As the worldwide and national attention heightens, there is no other way to deal with the incidents but to address the situation. Under President Putin, regulatory measures are implemented. Factories limit their production on alcoholic beverages. Russians are finding it extremely hard to grab an alcoholic drink.No matter how str ict government laws are, citizens still manage to squeeze in a bottle or two for a night’s consumption. The drinking habits among Russians just keep getting better. Old folks consume alcohol more than their usual limits. It brings up a negative example for the younger generation to follow. The young people pick up their habits as well from the older population. It is no wonder that teenagers as young as thirteen or fourteen are gaining addiction to alcohol. â€Å"In a country renowned for hard drinking, most people aren't surprised to hear that 42,000 people die from counterfeit alcohol in Russia each year† (Nicholson, 2006).Russians are resourceful enough to find alternative sources. If the government is firm in its stance to paralyze the alcohol industry, the citizens are quick to scout the area for possible sources of vodka, beer and other alcoholic drinks. The only danger is the contents of these alternative beverages. â€Å"Perfumes, aftershave, cleaning liquids and other fluids have been passed off by counterfeiters as vodka for decades, and have long been on the drinks list of Russia's more desperate alcoholics† (Nicholson, 2006).Being counterfeit, the risk of vodka being impure is a hundred folds higher that the original. This can be an added cause of deaths among Russian drinkers. It is not alcohol consumption alone that is in question. â€Å"Compounding the problem is the cheap price tag carried by a bottle of fake liquor† (Bigg, 2006). CONCLUSION Whether the mortality rate has been increased by excessive alcohol consumption or counterfeit patronization, many Russian groups are convinced that finding the solution to the alcoholic situation in Russia is merely another political ploy.Numerous organizations are very much aware of the government’s takeover of important industries such as oil and gas in the nation. Party groups believe that the administration is seeking to include the alcohol industry under its control. Heating up the already complicated alcohol consumption among citizens is one reason enough to revitalize the government’s claim. However, with or without political hitches, alcoholism in Russia is a serious problem. People must treat the situation not merely as part of a tradition or just a common celebration. Persons are dying.Alcohol in excess is deadly. If Russian lives are to be saved, the government must seek the cooperation of its people in order to address this national concern. REFERENCES Bigg, C.. Russia: Alcohol Reform Blamed for Outbreak of Poisonings. RadioFreeEurope. (2006, Oct. 30). Retrieved November 15, 2007 from http://www. rferl. org/featuresarticle/2006/10/67164cf3-a58d-4a76-aae0-e4f64e992f9b. html Eke, S.. Fake Russian Alcohol ‘Kills Many. ’ BBC News. (2006, June 23). Retrieved November 15, 2007 from http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/europe/5111762. stmNicholson, A.. Alcohol Deaths Spark Debate in Russia. Boston. Com. (2006, Nov. 4). Retrieved Nov ember 15, 2007 from http://www. boston. com/news/world/europe/articles/2006/11/04/alcohol_deaths_spark_debate_in_russia/ Warren, M.. Lone Crusader Fights Russia’s Alcohol Problem. Telegraph. Co. UK. (2001, June 19). Retrieved November 15, 2007 from http://www. telegraph. co. uk/news/main. jhtml? xml=/news/2001/02/03/wrus03. xml Alcoholism in Russia. Everything2. (2002, October 22). Retrieved November 15, 2007 from http://everything2. com/index. pl? node_id=1380040

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Biography – Herman Von Fehling

Herman von Fehling was a German chemist, who developed Fehling’s solution which was used for estimations of sugar. The Fehling’s solution is a chemical test used to differentiate between water-soluble carbohydrates and ketone functional groups, and as a test for monosaccharide. When working with Fehling’s solution, Fehling took extra precautionary measurements when working in the laboratory. He created two separate solutions known as Fehling’s A and Fehling’s B.Fehling’s A is a blue solution of Copper II, Sulfate, while Fehling’s B is a clear solution of potassium, sodium, tartrate (Rhochelle Salt) and a strong alkali (Sodium hydroxide). The volumes of the two mixtures are mixed to get the final Fehling’s solution. In this mixture, the aqueous tartrate ions from the dissolved Rochelle salt ions from the dissolved Copper II sulfate, as bidentate ligands giving bistartratocuprate II. The tartarate ions, by completing copper, preve nt the formation of Cu(OH)2 from the reaction of CuSO42H2O and NaOH in the solution.Fehling’s solution is an oxidizing agent in the Bistartratocuprate II and the active reagent in the test. The compound being tested is added to Fehling’s solution and the mixture is heated. The aldehydes are oxideized, giving a positive result, but ketones do not reacte, unless they are alpha-hydroxy-ketones. The bistratratocuprate II is a complex oxidizes the aldehyde to the carboxylate anion, and in the process the copper II ions of the xomplex are reduced to Copper I ions.A negative result is the absence of the red precipitate; Fehling’s will NOT work with aromatic aldehydes; in that case Tollen’s reagent – a chermical reagent most commonly used to determine whether a known carbonyl contation compound is an aldehyde or a ketone, a positive test with Tollen’s reagent sults in elemental silver precipitation out of solution, occasionally outo the inner surfac e of the tube, productiona characteristic and memorable â€Å"silver mirror† on the inner serface – should be used.Fehling’s earlier work included investigations of succinic acid, spirit of amber (white, odorless solid – plays a role in citric acid cycle, an energy-yielding process) and the preparation of phenyl cyanide (benzonitrile – organic compound, with a sweet almond odor). After many scientific discoveries or investigations Fehling started to lean more towards technology and public health rather than chemistry.Fehling started to work with estimation of sugars (Fehling’s Solution) which was a solution of copper sulfate mixed with alkali and potassium sodium tartrate (Rochelle Salt). Fehling was born June 25, 1812 and died July 1, 1885, Fehling attended Heidelberg University around 1835 with the intention of taking pharmacy when entering. After Graduation he went to Gieben as a preparateur to Justus von Liebig, whom he created the compo sition of paraldehyde and metdehyde.After his discover with Sugar he contributed into the writing of Graham-Otto Textbook of Chemistry & Handworterbuch with Friedrich Wholer and Johann Christian Poggendorff. Fehling became a member of the committee of the Pharmacopoeia Germanica and he was appointed to the chair of chemistry in the polytechnic in Stuttgart for 45 years. He died in Stuttgart in 1885.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

American Revolution of the 1800s essays

American Revolution of the 1800s essays The American Revolution of the mid 1800s In the midst of a civil upheaval during the 1860s and 1870s the United States underwent changes which were little short of revolutionary. Being one of the most complex and controversial periods in American history, it was during this time that many political and social reforms took place. Through the secession of the Southern States, the blood shedding of the Civil War, and the post-war Reconstruction period came many political and social issues that transformed the United States from what it was in the 1860s to what it is today. The secession of South Carolina in 1860 paved the way for the other states to follow and a revolution to begin. The belief that states had more power than the national government popular at the time led the way for the southern states to declare that the constitutional infidgements on their rights as states allowed them to secede. (Doc. A) Northerners and the national government did not agree. They believed in the necessary and proper clause that gave the national government the power to do what it deemed necessary to protect the country from both, foreigners and itself. With this in mind the Civil War began to reunite the country, for the only way they believed the country would be able to prosper was united with nationalism. (Doc. B) The Reconstruction period came after the Civil War and lasted till 1877. The political, social, and economic conditions after the Civil War changed life in the South for both blacks and whites, forever. At this time the Congress was divided politically on issues that grew out of the Civil War: Black equality, rebuilding the South, readmitting Southern states to Union, and deciding who would control government. Socially, the South was in chaos. Newly emancipated slaves wandered the South after having left their former masters, and the White population was spiritually devastated, uneasy about what lay ahead. Emancipated slaves petit...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Mutually Exclusive

Mutually Exclusive Mutually Exclusive Mutually Exclusive By Maeve Maddox A reader asks, Could you write a piece on the use of the term â€Å"mutually exclusive†? I always get a little befuddled when someone says, â€Å"This and that are not mutually exclusive.† I have to stop and do the math to make sure I follow. The expression â€Å"mutually exclusive† is used in statistics to refer to events that cannot occur at the same time. For example, with $10 in my pocket, I go into a store intending to buy a battery and a jump drive, but each item costs $10. I can buy the battery or I can buy the jump drive, but not both. The purchases are â€Å"mutually exclusive.† Writers use the term when discussing subjects that seem to be so opposed in nature as to be incapable of coexisting but which, in their opinion, can in fact do so. For example: Feminism and Christianity dont have to be mutually exclusive. Interpretation: Feminism, which advocates the equality of the sexes, is being contrasted with Christianity, a patriarchal religion that teaches female submission. Privacy and Security Are Not Mutually Exclusive. Interpretation: Security, in the sense of government defenses that rely on surveillance and data gathering, is being contrasted with privacy, the condition of being free from public attention. Are Religion and Science mutually exclusive? Interpretation: Religion, which requires adherents to believe in events that defy the laws of physics, is contrasted with science, which insists on physical proofs before belief. The Germans don’t see brains and brawn as mutually exclusive. Interpretation: â€Å"All brawn and no brains† is an idiom that reflects the popular belief that athletic qualities and intelligence are not to be found in the same person. The statement, from a sports site, posits the idea that intelligence can be expected of athletes. Three other common expressions that use the adverb mutually to mean a reciprocal action or status are: mutually beneficial: good for both parties. Example: After 1940,  Mexico  and the  United States  slowly crafted a  mutually beneficial  relationship. mutually delighted: good feelings on each side. Example: By the end of their first term together, in the spring of 1874, it was  clear  that teacher and pupil were  mutually delighted.   mutually assured destruction: a state of hostility in which two equally strong opponents are capable of destroying one another in open conflict. Example: Fifty years ago this week the idea of mutually assured nuclear destruction was outlined in a major speech. But how did this frightening concept of the Cold War fade from peoples psyches? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Passed vs Past"Gratitude" or "Gratefulness"?Supervise vs. Monitor

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Discussion topics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion topics - Assignment Example Hence, hydrolyzing protein means breaking it into its most basic units called the â€Å"amino acids† through aqueous medium with the help of enzymes which act to catalyze or speed up the hydrolytic process. Enzymes themselves are made of protein constituents which serve as biological catalysts that increase the rate of reaction (Ophardt, 2003). (2) Describe how energy is measured and the importance of energy balance for someone experiencing under-nutrition or over-nutrition. In your response, also address the implications of ideal versus healthy weight. In food, the energy (in calories) is measured by means of device called the ‘bomb calorimeter’ which subjects the food to combustion so that it burns with oxygen at a certain pressure. The heat generated is then analyzed in terms of calorific content originating from carbohydrates, protein, fats, and the rest of the food’s nutritional composition (Niedziocha, 2011). Individuals in the realm of over-nutrition expend energy much higher than the right or allowable amount whereas those experiencing under-nutrition consume energy in quantities below normal. Either case tends to cause metabolic activity that bring about diseases such as cancer, AIDS, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, burns, and cachexia that is why a balanced expenditure of energy must be maintained on a regular basis (Pi-Sunyer, 2000). Factors besides energy affect one’s determination of an ideal weight so at any rate, however, energy consumption ought to account for values within the range of a healthy weight. Pi-Sunyer, F.  Xavier M.D. (2000). â€Å"Over-Nutrition and Under-Nutrition as Modifiers of Metabolic Processes in Disease States 1’2’3.† The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Retrieved from http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/72/2/533s.full on October 6,